Johnson, Annabel

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The grizzly

An alien music

Sixteen-year-old Jesse relates the experiences of the Sky-Lab Seven crew as they become the sole survivors of the dying planet Earth only to have their plans to colonize Mars irreversibly shattered.

Prisoner of psi

The mental link between a television psychic and his estranged son may be their only hope when desperate kidnappers strike.

A memory of dragons

In a large corporation handling the research and development of military hardware, a young man, suffering from amnesia, finds himself caught between two groups--one that wants the West to secede before all its raw materials are exploited by the East, and another that wants to preserve the union.

The danger quotient

A super-genius in a small underground colony of survivors of nuclear war, eighteen-year-old Casey risks journeying back to the twentieth century to discover why the survivors are dying and how he can save them all.

The grizzly

A young boy and his estranged father find themselves united, for the first time on a camping trip, by facing the sinister threat of a grizzly bear.

I am Leaper

Leaper, a kangaroo rat who can communicate with humans, enlists the aid of a boy named Julian to help defeat a "monster" that has been terrorizing the desert where she lives.
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