Morgan, Sally

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Focus on Pakistan

Describes Pakistan's landscape, climate, settlements, government, natural resources, economy, education, health, culture, foreign relations, and other aspects, and discusses the country's challenges for the future.

Body doubles

cloning plants and animals
Explores the science of cloning plants and animals, discussing the possible benefits of the process, and looking at some of the objections that have been raised to cloning.

Ecology and environment

the cycles of life
Looks at the inter-relationships between the earth's natural systems and how burgeoning populations of humans are having a negative impact on the environment.


Provides an introduction to ducks, explaining why ducks are farmed, looking at the anatomy and life cycles of ducks, describing different breeds, and discussing ducks as sources of eggs, meat, and feathers.

Natural resources

Presents a global look at where Earth's natural resource come from and how they are traded between countries, including the benefits and drawbacks of globalization in this area.

Saving the rainforests

Describes rain forests, the life they support, and efforts to protect them.

Sperm whales and other deep-water life

Presents an overview of deep-water ocean habitats and the animals that live there, including sperm whales, Giant squid, gulper eels, giant tube worms, and more.

Orcas and other cold-ocean life

"An overview of cold-ocean habitats and the animals that live there, including dolphins, orcas, herring, jellyfish, and more"--Provided by publisher.

Hermit crabs and other shallow-water life

An overview of shallow-water ocean habitats and the animals that live there, such as octopuses, hermit crabs, sea horses, and limpets.

Clown fish and other coral reef life

An overview of coral habitats and the animals that live there, including clown fish, sharks, giant clams, and others.


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