
Geographic Name

At home in her tomb

Lady Dai and the ancient Chinese treasures of Mawangdui
Presents the mysteries of the Mawangdui tombs, one of China's top archaeological finds of the last century, shedding light upon life in China during the Han dynasty.

Early civilizations of the Americas

Examines the rich cultural achievements of the early civilizations from North, Middle and South America, including the Inca and Maya societies, beliefs and innovations.

Discovering ancient Egypt

In this book, readers will discover the history and culture of ancient Egypt, from the earliest settlers of the Nile to the final dynasty of Antony and Cleopatra. Egypt's most famous inventions, including papyrus, hieroglyphs, and the 365-day calendar, are presented along with facts about its pantheon of deities and highly organized class system.

Who was King Tut?

An introduction to the life and family of Egyptian pharaoh, Tutankhamen.

Mummies unwrapped

discover the world of ancient Egyptian mummies
"Unwrap the mysteries of the ancient Egyptian mummies in this . . . illustrated book, created in consultation with . . . Egyptologists from the British Museum. Filled with . . . detail, uncover secrets of the embalmers, tales of the tomb robbers, and even how pets were mummified"--Dust jacket.
Cover image of Mummies unwrapped

King Tut's tomb

spot the myths
"The 1922 discovery of King Tut's tomb is one of the most important ancient Egyptian finds in history. People have told stories about it ever since. Are there rooms in King Tut's tomb yet to be discovered? Did clues point to King Tut being murdered? Read the stories. Then see if you can separate the truths from the myths!"--Provided by publisher.

The magnificent book of treasures

"Step back in time 2,000 years to visit the powerful Roman Empire. Every page reveals a fabulous treasure and its unique story--from gladiator battles with lions; chariot races for vast cheering crowds; and mock naval ship battles in flooded auditoriums, to mythical tales of magic and monsters; gods and goddesses for every occasion; and wondrous feasts in fantastical gardens. Learn about Ancient Rome's fast-food joints, the original multi-tool pocketknife, and how some escaped Pompeii's legendary volcanic eruption"--Provided by publisher.

Uncovering the legacy of America's first peoples

"Scientists spend a lot of time trying to learn about the earliest Americans, but much remains unknown. Who were they? When, how, and from where did they enter the land? What is their relationship to modern Native Americans? Anthropologists develop theories to answer these questions based on the evidence they discover. Their theories--and the discoveries that prove and disprove them--are highlighted in this informative volume. Readers will feel like anthropologists and archaeologists themselves as they study photographs and read about bones and artifacts and what they reveal about the ancient cultures that roamed America many thousands of years ago"--Provided by publisher.

Ancient Greece for kids

Thousands of years ago, the first tribes arrived in the Balkan Peninsula, laying the foundations of Europe's oldest civilization: Greece, which gave the world democracy, as well as endless knowledge of mathematics, architecture, military affairs, and philosophy. Modern scientists can all trace their lineage back to Greek mathematicians and philosophers, and modern Greece is littered with the remnants of beautiful temples and ancient buildings that shaped the taste and style of modern architects.


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