Information literacy series

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Practical steps to the research process for middle school

Provides step-by-step guidance for library media instructors teaching research to middle school students; explains the research process and how to prepare lesson plans, and covers all steps from choosing topics to moving beyond writing.

Practical steps to the research process for high school

Contains scripted research lessons designed to help library media specialists manage information in a practical way.

Turning kids on to research

the power of motivation
Discusses motivational theories and provides teaching scenarios and examples of motivational lesson plans to help teachers stimulate learning.

Fostering information literacy

connecting national standards, Goals 2000, and the SCANS report
Explains information literacy in school curricula and includes four sample lesson plans and a floppy disk accompanying the book's information.

The thoughtful researcher

teaching the research process to middle school students
Contains strategies designed to help librarians and middle school educators teach their students proper research skills.
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