righteous gentiles in the holocaust

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righteous gentiles in the holocaust

In my hands

memories of a Holocaust rescuer
Recounts the experiences of the author who, as a young Polish girl, hid and saved Jews during the Holocaust.

Beyond courage

the untold story of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust
Provides detailed accounts of twenty-one acts of defiance committed against Nazis in Nazi-occupied countries during World War II.

Beyond courage

the untold story of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust
Relates the true stories of heroic Jews who organized to help others and sabotage the Nazis during the Holocaust, including Georges Loinger's efforts to smuggle thousands of children from occupied France into Switzerland.

Raoul Wallenberg

In 1935, Swede Raoul Wallenberg graduated from the University of Michigan. He returned to Sweden, but soon World War II erupted. Sweden remained neutral during the war, which enabled Wallenberg to travel as a salesman throughout Europe. Because of his brilliant command of languages and Swedish citizenship, Wallenberg was chosen to work for the U.S. War Refugee Board in Hungary. His mission was to rescue Jews in Budapest from the Nazis and their monstrous death camps. This volume’s gripping narrative transports readers to the turbulent last days of the war, when Wallenberg’s heroic actions helped to save thousands of Jews.

Oskar Schindler

Although Oskar Schindler’s name is synonymous with Holocaust heroes, his life story is by no means black and white. Readers will be introduced to a man who, with the help of his wife and staff, protected more than 1,000 Jews from the Nazis during the Holocaust. At the same time, this hero was a known womanizer with an alcohol problem. This enlightening book covers his upbringing, including his years in the Nazi Party, and his change of heart. Readers will find this volume to be educational, eye-opening, and inspiring.


pastor, martyr, prophet, spy : a Righteous Gentile vs. the Third Reich
"Bonhoeffer gives witness to one man's extraordinary faith and to the tortured fate of the nation he sought to deliver from the curse of Nazism. It brings the reader face to face with a man determined to do the will of God radically, courageously, and joyfully-even to the point of death." provided by publisher.

The book of the just

the silent heroes who saved Jews from Hitler

Holocaust rescue and liberation

During the Holocaust, many individuals and groups risked their lives to rescue Jews who had fled from Nazi-occupied territory. This is their story.

Beyond courage

the untold story of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust
Examines the true stories of a variety of Jews and Noble Gentiles in World War II who helped the Jewish resistance in Nazi Europe through sabotage, rescue, and guerilla warfare operations done clandestinely.

Life in a jar

the Irena Sendler Project
Tells story of Irena Sendler who organized the rescue of 2,500 Jewish children during World War II, and the teenagers who started the investigation into Irena's heroism.


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