Anxious for the day when he can row out with the lifeboat crew, Jim is unhappy that the old boat is to be replaced with a powered one until he witnesses a shipwreck during a storm.
In the late nineteenth century, twelve-year-old Rhoda investigates her suspicion that a wrecker may be luring ships to their destruction on the Virginia barrier island where her father is keeper of a U.S. Lifesaving Station. Includes historical notes on the United States Life-Saving Service.
recovering the lost story of Richard Etheridge and the Pea Island lifesavers
Wright, David
Tells the story of former slave and Civil War veteran Richard Etheridge's command of the only all-Black station in the U.S. Life-Saving Service, a rescue organization formed in 1871 to protect ships' crews and cargo.
After the Coasties close the Madaket Station on Nantucket Island, Millie appoints herself warden, rescue squad, and sentry providing lifesaving services along the coast.
Fictionalized accounts of true incidents from across the United States in which teenagers used their knowledge and skills to save their own or someone else's life. Each story is followed by a quiz about emergency procedures.