Life in the new American nation

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Marbury v. Madison

the new Supreme Court gets more power
Examines the Supreme Court case of 1803 that marked the first time that a law passed by Congress was found to be illegal according to the Constitution.
Cover image of Marbury v. Madison

The Louisiana Purchase

expanding America's boundaries
Explains the events surrounding the Louisiana Purchase, through which President Jefferson acquired enough land to make the United States one of the largest nations in the world.

The United States Constitution and early state constitutions

law and order in the new nation and states
Explains how the United States Constitution came to be, including events leading up to the Constitutional Convention, and explores how the Constitution changed the way the United States was governed.

The Whiskey Rebellion

an early challenge to America's new government
Discusses the first challenge to the new federal government of the United States, which began in 1794 when citizens of western Pennsylvania took up arms to fight against a new federal excise tax on whiskey.

Marbury v. Madison

the new Supreme Court gets more powers
Examines the Supreme Court case of 1803 that marked the first time that a law passed by Congress was found to be illegal according to the Constitution.

The election of 1800

Congress helps settle a three-way vote
Considers the fourth presidential election ever held in the United States, when the House of Representatives had to break a tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, as well as the impact of Jefferson's win.

Alexander Hamilton's economic plan

solving problems in America's new economy
Presents an introduction to Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the treasury for the United States, focusing on his three-part economic plan to make the U.S. a strong nation, including paying back debts incurred during the Revolutionary War, establishing a national bank, and diversifying economic output.

The War of 1812

the new American nation goes to war with England
An illustrated overview of the War of 1812 that covers its causes, battles, turning point, and aftermath.

The Pinckney Treaty

America wins the right to travel the Mississippi River
Describes how this treaty, also known as the Treaty of San Lorenzo, came to be signed in 1795 by the United States and Spain, and how the agreement allowed America to grow westward and to avoid war with Spain.

New roads, canals, and railroads in early 19th-century America

the transportation revolution
Explores the beginnings of modern transportation in the nineteenth century, when the influx of immigrants required better roads, safe water routes, and railroads to be built across the United States.


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