Fisher, Doris

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Un dia non

My even day

A boy wakes up to find a strange day where everything is even, his mother has two heads, and a field trip turns into a very odd ordeal.
Cover image of My even day

My half day

A young boy wakes up one morning to find that half his head is shaved and his entire day is filled with fractions.
Cover image of My half day

My even day

A boy finds that everything around him is even, such as four flapjacks at breakfast to ten watermelons in his backpack. Includes a "For Creative Minds" section with questions about numbers.
Cover image of My even day

One odd day

A boy awakens to find that everything around him is odd, from three sleeves on his shirt and five legs on his dog to clocks and calendars with only odd numbers.

Mi dia par

Continuamos divirtiendonos a la par con esta encantadora secuencia de Un dia non. Esta vez, un jovencito se despierta para encontrar que es otro DIA extra?o-ahora todo es par, y !su mama tiene dos cabezas! Un paseo del colegio, al zoologico es abordado de una manera extra?a, y en pares. Y como su predecesor, los ni?os gastaran horas mirando los objetos escondidos en el arte increible.

Un dia non

Army camels

Texas ships of the desert
Explores the history of the United States Army's Camel Corps, formed in 1856 when United States politicians brought thirty-four camels to Texas to provide transportation in the desert environment instead of using horses.

Grammar All-Stars

Slam Dunk Pronouns
Grammar comes to life in this fun series, in which entertaining sports events reinforce language arts skills.

Happy birthday to whooo?

A collection of birth announcement riddles give clues to the type of baby animal born. Includes animal facts, games, and activities.


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