Marshall, Peter

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The light and the glory for children

discovering God's plan for American from Christopher Columbus to George Washington
Uses a Christian perspective to examine the history of America from the first voyage of Columbus to the aftermath of the Revolutionary War, with an emphasis on faithfulness to God's word.

From sea to shining sea, for children

discovering God's plan for America in her first half-century of independence, 1787-1837

Sounding forth the trumpet for children

Examines the history of the United States, from the early 1800s through the events leading to the Civil War, focusing on God's plan for this nation and the evil influences of the institution of slavery.

The Reformation

a very short introduction
Offers a concise overview of the Reformation, discussing how it transformed Europe and altered society's perceptions of religion, social status, gender roles, wealth, politics, and the treatment of minorities.

Nate Donovan

Revolutionary spy
Nate Donovan, along with his friend, Running Fox, become the youngest members of General Washington's spy network when the war comes too close to his Quaker family's home in British-occupied Philadelphia.
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