confederate states of america

Geographic Name
confederate states of america

The 290

The adventures of a sixteen-year-old shipyard apprentice boy serving aboard the Confederate warship Alabama, one of the most famous ships of the American Civil War.

Look away!

a history of the Confederate States of America
A comprehensive history of the Confederacy moves beyond military events to examine legal structures, politics, social structures, and the economy of the South during the Civil War.

The grand design

strategy and the U.S. Civil War

April '65

Confederate covert action in the American Civil War

Dixie betrayed

how the South really lost the Civil War
Traces a political conspiracy and dysfunctional dynamics that the author believes were at the heart of the Confederacy's Civil War losses, in an account that reveals infighting between Jefferson Davis and the Confederate government.

Life on the homefront during the Civil War

Discusses the daily life of people at home during the Civil War, including the lives of women and African Americans, the differences of life in the North and South, discussing the economy and politics of both the North and the South.

Gone with the wind

When Scarlett O'Hara's beloved plantation life is destroyed by the Civil War, she single-mindedly rebuilds her privileged place in society, but loses her true love in the process.

A government of our own

the making of the Confederacy

Taking a stand

portraits from the southern secession movement
Tells the story of the movement that led to Confederate independence from the perspectives of five Southern men who came to their own individual decisions to abandon the Union.


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