Stainton, Sue

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Santa's Snow Kitten

Snow Kitten ends up in Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve after she decides to explore the world outside of Santa's wardrobe, and accompanies him on his night of delivering presents.
Cover image of Santa's Snow Kitten

The chocolate cat

A clever cat helps his owner, a chocolate maker, discover the magic in his work by transforming a colorless town into a place of beauty and happiness.
Cover image of The chocolate cat

I love cats

A celebration of the many kinds of cats and the various things they do.
Cover image of I love cats

I love dogs!

A celebration of the many types of dogs and the different shapes, sizes, textures, and temperaments they can have.

Santa's Snow Kitten

Snow Kitten, who lives in Santa's wardrobe, goes exploring on Christmas Eve and ends up joining Santa on his sleigh as he makes his deliveries.

I love cats

A celebration of the many kinds of cats and the various things they do.

Christmas magic

Little Santa plans a magical surprise for the reindeer and all the other animals of the forest as they search for the missing Christmas bells.

The lighthouse cat

When a fishing boat is caught in a storm, a lighthouse cat named Little Mackerel gathers other cats to try to help out.

Santa's Snow Cat

Santa and his favorite cat search for each other after she falls out of his sleigh and lands in New York City on Christmas Eve.
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