Explores the issues of anti-semitism, including: social factors that contribute to anti-semitism; the relationship between Christianity, Islam, and anti-semitism; opposition to Israeli policy linked to anti-semitism; political groups and anti-semitism.
"In this historical fiction picture book, Ella Mae and her cousin Charlotte, both African American, start their own shoe store when they learn that they cannot try on shoes at the shoe store"--Provided by publisher.
The Spirit Squads that represent the different castles are an important part of the Kingdom of Neptunia, and Cora and Shyanna are delighted to be chosen--but their friend Rachel was left out, and when Cora finds out why, she is forced to make a big decision.
Readers are exposed to many sides of the gender debate as it pertains to the workplace, military and home environment. This title promotes issue awareness as well as critical thinking to roles men and women play in their respective jobs. This series is the research and learning tool for exploring the issues that shape and define our changing world.
Discusses the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963, including the causes for the march, how the march was organized and its leaders, the important speeches, and the impact it had on the Civil Rights Movement.
Explores the history of affirmative action, legislation, programs, policies, and plans put in place to improve the education or employment opportunities for minorities and women.
A young girl growing up in Harlem in the 1950s, whose mother cleans and stitches costumes for a ballet company, dreams of becoming a prima ballerina one day, and is thrilled to see a performance of Janet Collins, the first "colored" prima ballerina.