

Who is Dale Earnhardt Jr.?

Introduces the life and career of professional NASCAR driver, Dale Earnhardt Jr.

The movement made us

a father, a son, and the legacy of a freedom ride
"A dynamic family exchange that pivots between the voices of a father and son, The Movement Made Us is a unique work of oral history and memoir, chronicling the extraordinary story of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and its living legacy embodied in Black Lives Matter. David Dennis Sr., a core architect of the movement, speaks out for the first time, swapping recollections both harrowing and joyful with David Jr., a journalist working on the front lines of change today. Taken together, their stories paint a critical portrait of America, casting one nation's image through the lens of two individual Black men and their unique relationship. Playful and searching, anxious and restorative, fearless and driving, this intimate memoir features scenes from across David Sr.'s life, as he becomes involved in the movement, tries to move beyond it, and ultimately returns to it to find final solace and new sense of self--revealing a survivor who travels eternally with a cabal of ghosts. A crucial addition to Civil Rights history, The Movement Made Us is the story of a nation reckoning with change and the hopes, struggles, setbacks, and triumphs of modern Black life. This is it: the extant chronicle of why we live, why we move, and for what we are made"--From the publisher's web site.

Joe Biden

"This biography introduces readers to Joe Biden, including his achievements as US senator and vice president, his charitable contributions, his historic selection of Kamala Harris as his running mate, and their victory in the 2020 presidential election. Information about his childhood, family, and personal life is included"--OCLC.

Martin Luther King, Jr

Did you know that Martin Luther King, Jr. was an important civil rights leader? He won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work toward equality. Discover more in Martin Luther King, Jr., a title in the Historical Figures series.

Major makes history

from the shelter to the White House
"Major tells the . . . story of how he and Joe [Biden] first met, and their journey to his brand-new home, the White House"--Amazon.

Saving the silvertip

grizzly bear comeback
Brothers John and Frank Craighead knew there was a problem when they saw fewer and fewer grizzly bears at Yellowstone National Park. But how did grizzlies-with a population size once as big as 100,000-wind up on the endangered species list?.

Joseph Biden

our 46th president
"[An] illustrated biography discussing the childhood, career, family, and election of Joseph Biden, forty-sixth president of the United States"--Provided by publisher.


"The transition from President Donald J. Trump to President Joseph R. Biden Jr. stands as one of the most dangerous periods in American history. But as [the authors] reveal for the first time, it was far more than just a domestic political crisis. Woodward and Costa interviewed more than 200 people at the center of the turmoil, resulting in more than 6,000 pages of transcripts--and a spellbinding and definitive portrait of a nation on the brink. This classic study of Washington takes readers deep inside the Trump White House, the Biden White House, the 2020 campaign, and the Pentagon and Congress, with vivid, eyewitness accounts of what really happened"--Provided by publisher.

Joe Biden

46th US President
Explores the life and career of Joe Biden, the 46th US president.

Brayden speaks up

"When Brayden talks, his words get caught in his mouth. He has bumpy speech--and that's okay! Sometimes, though, he doesn't feel anyone really understands what it feels like to be a person who stutters. Then Brayden meets Joe Biden, who knows exactly how he feels and inspires him to be more confident. But when Mr. Biden asks Brayden to give a big speech in front of the whole nation, will Brayden be brave enough to speak up and speak out? Brayden Speaks Up is the incredible true story of one extraordinary boy's perseverance and the importance of celebrating yourself just as you are"--.


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