Breaking barriers

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Martin Luther King, Jr.

A biography of the civil rights leader who spent much of his life pursuing his dream of equal treatment for fellow African Americans and for all people.

Pope John Paul II

Traces the life of Karol Wojtyla from his childhood and student years in Poland through his ordination as a priest, his election as Pope John Paul II, and his efforts to strengthen the Catholic Church.

Laura Bush

A brief biography of the former Texas librarian and teacher who, as the wife of the forty-third president, became first lady in 2001.

Jackie Robinson

A biography of the first African American to break the color barrier in major league baseball.


A biography of Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian political and spiritual leader who led his country to freedom from British rule through his policy of nonviolent resistance.

Harriet Tubman

A biography of the African American woman who spent her childhood in slavery and later worked to help other slaves escape north to freedom through the Underground Railroad.

Rosa Parks

A biography of the African American woman and civil rights worker whose refusal to give up her seat on a bus led to a boycott which lasted more than a year in Montgomery, Alabama.

Thurgood Marshall

Discusses the life of the first African American to serve as a judge on the United States Supreme Court.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

A biography of former First Lady Hillary Clinton, from her "perfect" childhood and college years through her political life in Arkansas and Washington, D.C. to her election as senator from New York.

Cesar Chavez

A biography of the Mexican American labor leader who worked to improve working conditions for migrant farm workers and to establish the United Farm Workers Union.


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