metal toys

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metal toys

Working hard with the Mighty Mixer

Mike and his Mighty Mixer concrete truck keep busy doing a variety of jobs, like helping make a new playground for a school, building an airport terminal, paving a new road, and laying the foundation for an apartment complex.

Building the new school

Emma, Ben, and their mom learn about the different functions of construction trucks like the bulldozer, backhoe, dump truck, loader, grader, and cement mixer when they visit the lot where a new school is being built.

Working hard with the Mighty Loader

Steve and his Mighty Loader keep busy six days a week, building roads, digging ditches, and working at other jobs that need dirt moved around.

Fire truck to the rescue

Eric, Amanda, and their mom get to see firefighters in action when there is a fire down the street at Mrs. Brown's house and they learn even more about firetrucks, fire-fighting equipment, and what goes on at the firehouse when they are invited to visit by the chief.
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