Pine, Tillie S

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The Egyptians knew

Presents many things which the ancient Egyptians knew and did, from making bricks or irrigating crops to making paper or using ramps, tells how we do these things today, and suggests activities relating to these discoveries.

The Eskimos knew

Describes simple inventions used by Eskimos to make their life comfortable; tells how these same processes are applied to develop more sophisticated or modern inventions today; and includes simple experiments to duplicate the early Eskimo technology.

The Arabs knew

Describes some aspects of Arab culture and knowledge hundreds of years ago which are up-to-date today. Includes related activities.

Measurements and how we use them

Projects and examples introduce various measuring devices and how to use them.

The Incas knew

Describes briefly several architectural and technological concepts important today which were discovered and employed by the Incas hundreds of years ago. Includes the building of suspension bridges, making of maps, use of calendars, and irrigation of crops.

Energy all around

Describes the sources and uses of various kinds of energy and the need for energy conservation.


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