Weber, Valerie

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Land use

"People need land. They need it to grow food. They build their homes on land. Using land, however, can lead to erosion and the destruction of natural habitats"--P. [4] of cover.

Sea horses

Photographs and simple text introduce children to the sea horses that live in the world's oceans, describing their physical characteristics, behavior, eating habits, and predators.

Why animals live in nests

Where animals live
Looks at the lives and homes of animals that live in nests, including birds, fish and reptiles, and mammals, and shows how and where different types of nests are built.

Why animals live in shells

Where animlas live
Looks at the lives of turtles and other animals that have shells, explains what shells are made of and how they are constructed, and discusses their role in protecting against predators.

Why animals live in burrows

Where animals live
Looks at the lives and homes of animals that live underground, including meerkats and badgers, and explains the reasons why these animals make their homes in burrows.

Why animals live in hives

Where animals live
Looks at the lives and homes of bees, explains why bees live in hives, and shows how hives are constructed.

Why animals live in caves

Where animals live
Looks at the lives and homes of animals that live in caves, shows different types of caves, and discusses why bats, sea creatures, and people choose to make their homes in caves.

Why animals live in webs

Where animals live
Looks at the lives and homes of spiders, explains why spiders live in webs, and shows how webs are constructed.


Animals that live in the Ocean
Full-color photographs and simple text describe the physical characteristics, behaviors, and migration of whales.


animals that live in the Ocean
Photographs and simple text introduce children to walruses that live in the world's oceans, describing their physical characteristics, behavior, eating habits, and predators.


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