Traces the development of the various number systems that have been used in the world, including the Arabic, Chinese, Egyptian, Gothic, Greek, Roman, and Sanskrit systems.
Discusses the development and evolution of numbers in different cultures throughout history, looking at number sequence and language, written numerals and computations, and the origins of the modern decimal system.
The arrival of Cousin Odd Todd greatly upsets Even Steven who likes everything to come in even numbers, his pets, his library books, and even his pancakes. Includes an activities and games section.
oodles of doodles from 0 to 42 : a step-by-step drawing book
Zemke, Deborah
Presents a collection of line drawings describe, step-by-step, how to use the numbers from 0 to 42 as starting points for many different doodles, including camels, snowmen, trains, and more.