Scholz, Jackson Volney

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Rookie quarterback

Spark plug at short

Jimmy has gained the confidence of his teammates and become the idol of the fans. Then a hostile statement he had once made about his new team threatens to ruin everything.

Rookie quarterback

The football rebels

Unable to make the varsity football team at Midwestern University, freshman Clint Martin decides to buck the athletic organization by starting his own informal team made up of any students who want to play football.

Rookie quarterback

A high school dropout returns from the Navy, revives his dedication to football, and is inspired to secure his future by using his academic as well as athletic abilities.

Fielder from nowhere

A professional baseball player organizes baseball games for boys in the inner city but almost loses his career and the support of the boys because of a grim reminder of his past.

Batter up

Marty Shane, a powerful hitter and part owner of a major league baseball club, is determined to use his talents, not his connections, to play for a professional team.
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