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a novel
Following the unexpected death of her father, eighteen-year-old Layken becomes the rock for both her mother and younger brother. She appears resilient and tenacious, but inside, she's losing hope. Then she meets her new neighbor Will, a handsome twenty-one-year-old whose mere presence leaves her flustered and whose passion for poetry slams thrills her.
Cover image of Slammed

Benito runs

Benito's father returns from Iraq a changed man, and when the pressure to deal with his father's post-traumatic stress disorder proves to be too much, Benito considers running away from his problems.
Cover image of Benito runs

The indigo notebook

Fifteen-year-old Zeeta comes to terms with her flighty mother and their itinerant life when, soon after moving to Ecuador, she helps an American teenager find his birth father in a nearby village.
Cover image of The indigo notebook

The dark flight down

On an errand for Kepler, his new master, Boy is captured and imprisoned in the palace dungeon, where he plots his escape from the evil Maxim and the lunatic King Frederick, and learns a disturbing secret about his father.
Cover image of The dark flight down

Captain Rosalie

While her father is at war, five-year-old Rosalie is a captain on her own secret mission. She wears the disguise of a little girl and tracks her progress in a secret notebook. Some evenings, Rosalie's mother reads aloud Father's letters from the front lines, so that Rosalie knows he is thinking of her and looking forward to the end of the war and to finally coming home. But one day a letter comes that her mother doesn't read to her, and Rosalie knows her mission must soon come to an end.
Cover image of Captain Rosalie


Presents the original text of Shakespeare's play side by side with a modern version, with discussion questions, role-playing scenarios, and other study activities.
Cover image of Hamlet


With their father jailed for sinking a river boat, Noah Underwood and his younger sister, Abbey, must gather evidence that the owner of this floating casino is emptying his bilge tanks into the protected waters around their Florida Keys home.
Cover image of Flush

Nicholas Nickleby

In graphic novel format of Charles Dickens' "Nicholas Nickeby" in which young Nicholas Nickleby left in destitute by his father's death, takes a job arranged by his greedy, suspicious uncle Ralph and finds himself in a prolonged battle with his benefactor.
Cover image of Nicholas Nickleby


Presents Zeffirelli's adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet, a story about the prince of medieval Denmark who senses treachery behind his royal father's death and learns that his mother is dangerously entangled in his murder.
Cover image of Hamlet


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