Life on a farm

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Life on a goat farm

Describes a dairy goat farm and the work which is done there.

Life on a horse farm

Sarah describes what it is like to live on a horse farm.

Life on a pig farm

Alisha, a young 4-H member, tells how she and her sisters got started in pig farming, and provides information about what it is like to raise and show pigs.

Life on a crop farm

Melissa, a young girl, tells what it is like to live on a crop farm, and provides information about growing, picking and marketing crops.

Life on a sheep farm

Explains the activities that take place on a working sheep farm, from the perspective of a child who lives there.

Life on a chicken farm

A child explains the activities taking place at home on a working chicken farm.

Life on a cattle farm

Describes a beef cattle farm and the work which is done there.

Life on a dairy farm

Explains the activities that take place on a working dairy farm, from the perspective of a child who lives there.

Life on an apple orchard

A child explains the activities that take place at home on a working apple orchard.
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