teddy bears

Topical Term
teddy bears

[P?ruk'?llin P?urichi] =

Brooklyn Bridge / [Korean version]
Fourteen-year-old Joseph Michtom's life takes a dramatic turn when, in 1903, his parents turn their Brooklyn apartment into a factory for making teddy bears. Plus, Joseph wonders whether he will ever see the glitter of Coney Island.

Are you my brown bear? =

Eres mi oso pardo?
A child asks a wide variety of bears if they are her brown bear in an effort to determine which one is her teddy bear. Text in English and Spanish.

Corduroy's Easter party

As he and his friends get ready to celebrate Easter with a special party, Corduroy wonders if the Easter Bunny is real.

Otter loves Halloween!

Halloween is the best holiday ever for Otter and her friends.

Little Bear's trousers

While looking for his missing trousers, Little Bear discovers that the other toy animals have found many different uses for them.

Bear on the homefront

During World War II, Grace and William Chambers are sent to live with a host family in Canada and are comforted by a teddy bear that is given to them by a nurse serving on the homefront.

Otter in space

After visiting an outer space exhibit in a museum, Otter and Teddy decide they need a moon rock, and the only way to get one is to build a space ship and go get one.

I am Otter

Otter decides to open a toast restaurant with her best friend, Teddy, but after she blames Teddy for the mess they made, he goes missing.


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