a cute guide to choosing and caring for your leafy friends
Buying houseplants is an addiction. You might start with a charming fern in the corner of your living room, and, before too long, every windowsill in your home is groaning under the weight of 100 succulents. As your addiction grows, the cost adds up. That's why adopting plants - says author Andrew Mikolajski - is the best course of action. This adoption process can, of course, involve taking sick plants off your less-than-green-thumbed friends and nursing them back to health. Or perhaps finding the occasional freebie placed by the curb, abandoned and in need of a new guardian. But adopting a plant might also be as simple as growing a tiny cutting - a chunk of any plant, which has fallen or been gently snipped off - into a full size plant. Andrew's fun and easy-to-use book offers advice on how to nurse and propagate cuttings, which might just help satisfy your addiction. For now.