Moore, Christopher

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A dirty job

When secondhand store owner Charlie Asher's daughter, Sophie, is born, everything changes. After a run-in with a strange man in mint-green golf wear at his wife's hospital bedside after the delivery of Sophie, people start dropping dead everywhere he goes. Over time it occurs to Charlie that he has been recruited for a new job: Death.

Sacre bleu

a comedy d'art
Baker-turned-painter Lucien Lessard and bon vivant Henri Toulouse-Lautrec vow to discover the truth behind the untimely death of their friend Vincent van Gogh, which leads them on a surreal odyssey and brothel-crawl deep into the art world of late-nineteenth-century Paris.

Coyote blue


Practical demonkeeping

a comedy of horrors
A young man named Travis O'Hearn, granted immortality by Catch, a lovable demon, struggles to rid himself of this man-eating gremlin who promises to make eternity hellish for him, in a supernatural comic romp through a California tourist town.

The stupidest angel

A humorous tale of what happens when a none-too-clever angel overhears a little boy, who, having witnessed Santa taking a shovel to the head, prays for Santa to return from the dead.

A dirty job

Charlie Asher, a neurotic and anxious hypochondriac who hates change, confronts the challenges of being a widower and a single parent when his wife dies of a freak medical condition on the day his new daughter, Sophie, is born.


the gospel according to Biff, Christ's childhood pal
A humorous, speculative novel fills in the lost years of Jesus' life, told from the perspective of Biff, his childhood best friend.

Fluke, or, I know why the winged whale sings

Marine behavioral biologist Nate Quinn is researching humpbacked whales off the coast of Maui--in particular, why they sing. The question has Nate and his crew poking, charting, recording, and photographing any large marine mammal that crosses their path. Then, one extraordinary day, a whale lifts its tail into the air to display a cryptic message spelled out in foot-high letters: Bite me. Then, when a roll of film returns from the lab missing the crucial tail shot--and their research facility is summarily trashed--Nate realizes that something very fishy indeed is going on. The weirdness only gets weirder when a call comes in from Nate's big-bucks benefactor saying that a whale has made contact--by phone. And it's asking for a hot pastrami and Swiss on rye.

From then to now

a short history of the world
Traces human civilization from early bands of hunter-gatherers to the multicultural world cities of the present, covering the development of agriculture, empires, law, and the major religions, the rise of Europe, colonies, and industrialization.


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