LearningExpress skill builders

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Reading comprehension success in 20 minutes a day

Presents a twenty-step program for improving reading comprehension in twenty minutes a day, and includes an introductory diagnostic test, everyday examples, and a post-test designed to assess progress.

Critical thinking skills success in 20 minutes a day

Presents a self-help guide to improving critical thinking and problem solving skills, providing an analytical pretest, featuring twenty lessons, each of which can be completed in twenty minutes, and including a post-test.

Practical math success in 20 minutes a day

Presents a twenty-step program to math literacy in preparation for any basic skills exam such as the Civil Service and National Standards tests and includes practical exercises and examples.

Algebra success in 20 minutes a day

A guide to learning algebra that contains brief lessons explaining the basic theories, principles, equations, inequalities, powers, and roots of algebra, with practice tests, detailed answer explanations, and online practice exercises.
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