"Landon Murphy discovers the undercover janitorial world when his soon-to-be stepsister, Jade Shu, guides him through a magical portal at the bottom of a dumpster that leads to a fantastical landfill and the home of the School of Garbage"--.
Spencer and his team of Rebels must face the combined evil of the Founding Witches and the Sweepers, or the world is doomed to fall under the control of the sinister Bureau of Educational Maintenance.
Janitors do much more than just sweep and mop the floors. They are also responsible for making sure everything in the school is in proper working order. By using simple language and illustrative photography, this book is designed to help students understand just how big and important a janitor s job is.
The Bureau of Educational Maintenance (BEM) is after Spencer, and the only place he is safe is within the walls of the New Forest Academy--or so he thinks.
Introduces Earl Caroll, an elementary school custodian, describing what he does during the school day and how he interacts with other staff and students.
Describes a school custodian's job as he gets the school ready for the day, checking the heat, clearing icy sidewalks, and making sure that everything is safe and clean.