excavations (archeology)

Topical Term
excavations (archeology)

Shipwrecks from the westward movement

Describes the excavations of the watercraft of explorers, settlers, and traders who visited the American West from the 1600s to the 1800s and what the findings reveal about life in early America.

Native American shipwrecks

Examines archaeological excavations of the watercraft of ancient Native Americans and what the findings tell us about the daily life and culture of people who lived thousands of years ago.

National Geographic investigates ancient Aztec

archaeology unlocks the secrets of Mexico's past
Explores the history and culture of the Aztec; and examines archaeological sites, such as the Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Yautepec, and Cuexcomate, and artifacts.

The tomb of the emperor

Young museum assistants Corina and Zack are sent off to China where they become involved in the excavation of the tomb of a long-ago emperor.

Hidden treasures of ancient Egypt

unearthing the masterpieces of Egyptian history
Presents color photographs of antiquities featured in the "Hidden Treasures of the Egyptian Museum" exhibit, as well as other, better known, holdings of the museum in Cairo, each with a description of the item's discovery, and includes information on the history of the museum, and tradition of archaeology in Egypt.


the search for an Egyptian king
Presents a portrait of King Tutankhamen, shedding new light on his importance, his enduring power, and the archaeological discovery of his tomb.

American archaeology uncovers the earliest English colonies

Describes the methods used by American archaeologists to learn about the early English colonies in North America.

Excavating Jesus

beneath the stones, behind the texts
Draws upon ten of the most significant textual discoveries in biblical studies and ten important archaeological digs in ancient Palestine to illuminate Jesus Christ's life, teachings, and followers.

Eyewitness to discovery

first-person accounts of more than fifty of the world's greatest archaeological discoveries

The road to Ubar

finding the Atlantis of the sands
The author provides an account of his long search for and discovery of the lost Arabian city of Ubar in 1992.


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