music and the war

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music and the war

Experiencing the American Civil War

novels, nonfiction books, short stories, poems, plays, films & songs
Profiles fourteen short stories, poems, plays, films, and songs inspired by the Civil War and its era, providing historical background, author and composer biographies, and discussion of styles and themes.
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Soldier song

a true story of the Civil War
"Amid the fearsome battles of the Civil War, both Union and Confederate soldiers were urged onward by song ... And there was one song that reminded them all of what they hoped to return to after the war. Defeated in the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia, the Union soldiers retreated across the river. There, a new battle emerged as both armies volleyed competing songs back and forth. With the Christmas season upon them, however, Federals and Confederates longed for the same thing. As the notes of 'Home, Sweet Home' rose up from both sides, they found common ground for one night"--Provided by publisher.

Experiencing the American Civil War

novels, nonfiction books, short stories, poems, plays, films & songs
Profiles eleven novels and nonfiction books inspired by the Civil War and its era, providing historical background, author biographies, and discussion of styles and themes.

Music of the Civil War era

American history through music
Explores the many roles music played during the Civil War, discussing how music was used by the military, slaves, and civilians to further their causes, send messages, and share their political views.

Music in the Civil War

Explores the important role of music in the Civil War as it reflected the passions and propaganda of both the North and the South.
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