Young Oxford books

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The young Oxford book of the human being

Explores the way the human body works, the origins of human beings, and the various ways that humans live and organize themselves socially and culturally.
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Ecology has been called the "study of the altogetherness of everything." This fascinating introduction looks at the plants and animals that inhabit our planet and explains how they interact in order to survive and flourish.


Includes an introduction to astronomy, the solar system, the sun and the stars, and galaxies and the universe.

The young Oxford book of archaeology

Defines archaeology, examines how archaeologists work, surveys excavation methods, and visits archaeology sites--from Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania to the Garbage Project in America.

The young Oxford book of ecology

Describes various earth habitats and the life supported by them, including desert, ocean, and prairie.

The young Oxford book of ecology

Describes various earth habitats and the life supported by them, including desert, ocean, and prairie.
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