A newborn orangutan is seriously ill with a mysterious stomach ailment. An alligator with an agonizing toothache needs an urgent operation. And a chubby tiger must be put on a diet. It's all in a day's work for a zoo vet! Get to Work with Science and Technology is a fascinating new series that introduces readers to the real-life applications of STEM subjects. Every day, vets are faced with tricky problems to solve. In The Wild World of a Zoo Vet, readers will discover how vets use science and high-tech equipment to solve problems, save lives, and care for wild animals big and small. Told in a lively narrative style, this book includes firsthand accounts of everyday life as a zoo vet, dramatic and funny anecdotes, and behind-the-scenes photos. Readers will also get the chance to try out their zoo vet skills with activities that are perfect for science fair projects.