
Topical Term

Exploring North America

Tells the story of how Europeans got to know the size and shape of the northern part of the New World, an area discovered over a period of four centuries.

The Times atlas of world exploration

3,000 years of exploring, explorers, and mapmaking
Colored maps and illustrations trace 3,000 years of exploration from ancient times to the present day.

Into the unknown

how great explorers found their way by land, sea, and air
Describes the methods explorers throughout history have used to find their way by land, sea, and sky.

Columbus & the Renaissance explorers

Using a wide variety of old and new pictures, this book reveals Columbus's search for a rich patron to pay for his journey, preparations for his journey, his four voyages, and the medieval view of the world and why a new route to Asia was needed.

100 great journeys

Discusses one hundred travel routes to better explore places all over the world, and features U.S. Route 66, the hippie trail to Kathmandu, the Silk Roads, and other journeys described in history and literature.

Explorers & discoverers

from Alexander the Great to Sally Ride
Tells the stories of twenty-two men, seven women, two machines, and one institution, from Pedro de Alvarado to the R.M.S. Titanic, that have ventured forth to discover remote lands and to increase human knowledge of the world and the universe.

Explorers & discoverers

from Alexander the Great to Sally Ride
Tells the stories of twenty men, eight women, one museum, and one ship that have helped increase man's awareness and knowledge of the world and the universe.

The first men round the world

Presents the lives of four explorers who made landmark voyages around the world.

Maritime exploration in the age of discovery, 1415-1800

A collection of essays that examine developments in maritime exploration from 1415 to 1800, discussing the impact those developments had on what people knew about the world and how it was explored.

Atlas of exploration

A full-color, illustrated atlas that examines some of history's greatest explorers and journeys; and includes an interactive CD-ROM.


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