Dirty Joe and his pirate crew terrorize the seven seas in their quest for dirty socks, but they meet their match in Stinky Annie, whose favorite loot is pilfered underwear.
Connor's time aboard the pirate ship "Diablo" has him longing to be a part of the pirate life, while his twin sister Grace prefers he choose the less dangerous path of attending the distinguished Pirate Academy.
Connor, who was rescued by pirates after his ship was wrecked, believes his twin sister, Grace, was abducted by the Vampirates and is determined to find her.
While Connor faces trouble in the form of an obnoxious new crewmate, Grace, his twin sister, seeks out a vampirate guru who might be able to heal their dear friend Lorcan's blindness.
Pirates Peg-Leg Tom, Angus Black, Dreadful Nell, and One-Eyed Jack chase ships on the high seas, tell ghost stories, and fall asleep counting gold instead of sheep.
While conducting a tour of the "landlubbers' world" for a bus load of sea creatures, Pirate intercepts school-bound siblings Billy and Heidi and enlists their aid in recovering his hijacked ship from a troupe of mischievous monkey-crabs.
While Mom and Dad are away, a pirate takes Billy and his sister Heidi on a wild adventure, sailing their "fish-stick finger" house to Itchy Ear Island and telling them quirky facts about pirates, parrots, and cabbages.