Wade, Mary Dodson

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Map scale

Introduces how to determine approximately how far apart places are by using the scale on a map.

Condoleezza Rice

Chronicles the life of Condoleezza Rice, covering her childhood in Birmingham, Alabama, her accomplishments in music, her first studies in foreign affairs, and the work she does as Secretary of State, as well as her interests and hobbies outside of politics.

Henrietta King

loving the land
Offers a brief overview of the life of Henrietta King, who ran the famous King Ranch in South Texas while raising her family, discussing her childhood, contributions to Texas history, work as a philanthropist, and other related topics.

People of Texas

Presents an introduction to the people of Texas, discussing where they live, first people and early settlers, different cultural groups, and immigration, and including brief profiles of notable Texans.

El D?ia de los Muertos =

The Day of the Dead
Explains how Mexican families celebrate the lives of their deceased loved ones, including sharing pictures and stories, preparing feasts, and lighting candles in the graveyard on November 1, The Day of the Dead.


a question and answer book
Describes the geography, history, economy, and culture of Ireland in a question-and-answer format.


a question and answer book
Describes the geography, history, economy, and culture of Indonesia in a question-and-answer format.

The Alamo

flash point between Texas and Mexico
Contains an introductory essay that surveys the history of events leading to the battle of the Alamo on March 6, 1836, and includes a selection of readings related to the famous fight between Texas and Mexico.

Map scales

Discover how to use a map's key to determine its scale and learn how scales can be used to measure distances.

Deadly waves

Examines how tsunamis form and how they can impact locations where they come ashore. Features survival stories from people who have experienced tsunamis firsthand and includes color photographs, a glossary, and further reading sources.


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