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Seashore and tides

An introduction to seashores and tides that discusses high and low tides, coastal wildlife, conservation, and other related topics.

How bodies work

Looks at the parts of the human body and how they work, discussing the skin, skeleton, digestive system, senses, lungs, the heart and blood, and the importance of rest.

How plants grow

Photographs and simple text describe how seeds grow into plants, the various kinds of plants, and the things plants need to help them grow.

How to stay healthy

Describes several basic ways to stay healthy, including eating right, exercising, getting rid of germs and stopping them from spreading, and getting medical help when one is sick.

Day and night

Photographs and simple text describe how day changes to night.


Examines how electricity makes light and heat, how it runs machines, how batteries run things, the parts of a lamp, and some of the dangers of electricity.

Rainforest animals

Provides information about rain forests, explaining what they are, introducing some of the many different plants and animals that live in the rain forest, and discussing why rain forests are in danger.


Provides information about apples, explaining what they are, and looking at how they grow, how they move from orchard to store, and the different products and treats that can be made with apples.


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