Library of American biography

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The Puritan dilemma

the story of John Winthrop
A biography of the 17th century Puritan leader John Winthrop focusing on his moral convictions and leadership of the Puritans in the New World.

James Madison and the creation of the American Republic

Discusses James Madison and his contributions to the forming of the country, as a member of Congress, a party leader, and finally, the fourth president of the United States.

Eli Whitney and the birth of American technology

A biography of the man who invented the cotton gin and became one of the founding fathers of American technology.

Woodrow Wilson and the politics of morality

A biography of the man who led the United States during World War I, and who tried unsuccessfully to get the United States to join the League of Nations.

John F. Kennedy and a new generation

Focuses on Kennedy's background, his political career, and responses to upheavals such as the civil rights movement and the Cuban missile crisis.

Samuel Gompers and organized labor in America

Biography of one of the founders of the American Federation of Labor, whose ideas and procedures were the basis of the American labor movement.


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