
Topical Term

The last legion

In 460 A.D. Aurelius Antonius finds himself recalled to Rome and is assigned the Commander of new Caesar, Romulus Augustus' retinue of personal bodyguards. Romulus is destined to be crowned the last emperor of Rome. His reign lasts for one day and ends with Rome being run over by the savage Goths.

Augustus Caesar

Explores the life and rule of Augustus Caesar and details his rise to power, political and imperial reforms, creation of the "Republica," and lasting legacy.


The slave and gladiator Spartacus has been the subject of myth making in his own time and of movie making in ours. Aldo Schiavone brings him squarely into the arena of serious history. Spartacus emerges here as the commander of an army, whose aim was to incite Italy to revolt against Rome and to strike at the very heart of the imperial system.

Daily life in the Roman city

Rome, Pompeii and Ostia
Explores life in ancient Roman cities such as Rome, Ostia, and Pompeii. Describes the dangers and pleasures of living in Rome including crime, disease, gardens, baths, and banquets. Discusses entertainment in Rome such as chariot racing, gladiator battles, and theater. Contrasts life in Rome with life in smaller cities. Includes guides to Roman names, the calendar, clothing, and construction techniques.

The essential Aeneid

Presents a translation of the Latin epic poem "Aeneid" by Virgil along with a map, a glossary of names, and suggestions for further reading.

Geography matters in ancient Rome

Looks at how the Roman Empire changed through time and gives ... insights into many different aspects of Roman life through its geography.

Geography matters in ancient Rome

Why did Roman towns have bathhouses? Why was Rome at great risk from fires? What happened to the town of Pompeii in AD 79? Geography Matters in Ancient Rome looks at how the Roman Empire changed through time and gives fascinating insights into many different aspects of Roman life through its geography. Read about how the Romans invented new farming methods such as a harvesting machine called a vallus how some women in the Roman Empire had more freedom than in other civilizations even running their husbands businesses for them when they were away and how the Empire was strengthened by the fact that the different climates soils and terrain produced a huge range of goods and resources.

In search of a homeland

the story of the Aeneid
Presents a retelling of the epic poem "The Aeneid," written by the Roman poet Virgil.


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