Slonimsky, Nicolas

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Music since 1900

A history of music, with descriptive chronology, biographical references, and discussion of stylistic trends.

Baker's dictionary of music

A to Z listing of musicians, famous compositions, musical terms, and instruments. Covers everything from Bach to rock. Illustrated with over 125 photos and drawings. Includes in-depth essays on musical topics.

Webster's New World dictionary of music

Contains over 12,000 alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about composers, conductors, music theory and terms, instruments, musicians, singers, and other music-related topics.

The great composers and their works

Provides biographical information on nineteen composers, describes the musical components of their major works, and provides anecdotal background on those works.

Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide biographical and career information about classical, jazz, and popular musicians from throughout history, and includes works lists, bibliographies, and genre, nationality, and women composers and musicians indexes.

Baker's biographical dictionary of twentieth-century classical musicians

Provides biographical sketches of leading twentieth-century classical musicians, arranged alphabetically, each entry includes a short life history, critical insights, musical achievements, complete works lists, and selected bibliographies.

Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians

Contains over 2,000 concise biographical sketches of musicians, composers, and directors including life histories, critical insights, and musical achievements.
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