The Encyclopedia of psychoactive drugs. Series 2

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Drugs & the brain

Examines the effects of both beneficial and potentially damaging psychoactive drugs on the human brain.

Case histories

Examines drug and alcohol abuse through the eyes of alcoholics and addicts.

Drugs & sexual behavior

Discusses the sexual responses of the human body as they are affected by hormones and various kinds of drugs, including alcohol, psychotropic drugs, and supposed aphrodisiacs such as Spanish fly.

Drugs and diet

Examines prescription drugs and over-the-counter remedies available for appetite control.

Drugs & pain

An examination of the origins and different types of pain in the body and a discussion of the various drugs and treatments that are available for pain relief.

Drugs through the ages

Explores the history of man's use of drugs that alter consciousness.

Drugs & civilization

Explores the history of drug usage, its roles and effects on various societies, from earliest times to the present.

Drugs & the family

Discusses the effects of drug use on one individual teenage boy, from the start, through addiction, to the beginning of the road back to normal health.

Brain function

Explains how the human brain works with various regions of the central nervous system and how psychoactive drugs may alter their normal functions.

Celebrity drug use

Explores how the use of licit or illicit drugs and alcohol damaged the careers, reputations, and health of personalities in music, television, theatre, politics, and comedy.


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