Bedford, David

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Two tough crocs

Sylvester and Arnold enjoy being big, tough crocodiles so when they finally meet they are about to fight until Betty, an enormous crocodile, comes hissing by to take over their swamp.

Mole's babies

After observing how other animals around the farm make their new offspring happy, an expectant father mole flaps like a bird, splashes like a duck, and hops like a bunny until he discovers that his babies need just one thing--love.

I've seen Santa!

Little Bear is so full of questions and concerns about Santa that he cannot fall asleep on Christmas Eve.

Little Bear's big sweater

Big Bear, having outgrown his very favorite sweater, reluctantly passes it down to Little Bear, but when Little Bear gets the sweater wet and muddy, Big Bear gets angry and later regrets his behavior.

I've Seen Santa!

Little Bear is so full of questions and concerns about Santa that he cannot fall asleep on Christmas Eve.

Soccer camp

Harvey's soccer team has secured the league championship with the help of their secret weapon--a soccer-playing robot, and are headed to soccer camp to compete in the Camp Cup, but he senses trouble brewing when a reporter starts nosing around.

Mole's in love

Despite Morris' poor eyesight, he wanders off to the barnyard in search of love, but he finds it difficult to find someone that fits all his criteria.

Ed's egg

Ed loves his egg and is not at all sure that he wants to leave it, but when he finally gives it up he discovers that there is something better.


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