
Topical Term

World War I.

Provides an introduction to World War I including, the events that led to its outbreak, the leaders, the people who fought, and the battles that shaped the conflict.

World War II

Provides an introduction to World War II including, the events that led to its outbreak, the leaders, the people who fought, and the battles that shaped the conflict.

Secret soldiers

how the U.S. Twenty-Third Special Troops fooled the Nazis
Explores the contributions made by the ". . . United States Twenty-Third Headquarters Special Troops, also known as the Ghost Army, which included actors, camouflage experts, sound engineers, painters, and set designers, who used their skills to secretly and systematiclly replace fighting units, fool the Nazi army into believing what their eyes and ears told them, even though the sights and sounds of tanks and war machines and troops were entirely fabricated"--Adapted fromdust jacket.

The last fighter pilot

the true story of the final combat mission of World War II
Explores the story of Jerry Yellin, a captain of the U.S. Air Force who flew on the last official mission of World War II, over Iwo Jima after the atom bombs were dropped on Japan.

Joyeux Noel

Merry Christmas
Based on the true story of three armies in the bloody trenches of World War I and the miraculous Christmas Eve truce they unexpectedly forge.

America at war

Charts U.S. military conflict over more than two centuries, from the American Revolution to the Iraq War.

The Vietnam War

Profiles the decision makers and chronicles the key events of the Vietnam War, from the advisor's arrival in 1959 to the airlift from the roof of the American embassy in 1975. Features archival footage as well as interviews with historians and veterans.


the total story
Comprehensive look at the historic battle using Allied and Axis combat footage, eyewitness accounts and expert interviews.

I survived the battle of D-Day, 1944

With his French village under Nazi control, Paul Colbert joins a secret resistance after rescuing an American paratrooper and gets his chance to make a difference in the midst of the largest invasion in history, working to do his part in turning horror into hope.

Timeline of World War II

An illustrated, historical overview of World War II, focusing on the European and African campaigns, and featuring time lines, photographs, and text describing the Munich Conference, Blitzkrieg, Operation Barbarossa, D-Day, and related topics.


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