crisis management in government

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crisis management in government

Managing Hurricane Katrina

lessons from a megacrisis
"The government's response to Hurricane Katrina, one of the most devastating natural disasters in United States history, suffered numerous criticisms. Nearly every assessment pointed to failure, from evaluations of Presiden George W. Bush, FEMA, and the Department of Homeland Security to the state of Louisiana and the city administration of New Orleans . . . [the authors] deliver a more nuanced examination of the storm's aftermath thatn the ones anchored in public memory, and identify aspects of management that offer more positive examples of leadership thatn bureaucratic and media reports indicated"--Provided by publisher.

Raven rock

the story of the U.S. government's secret plan to save itself--while the rest of us die
"The eye-opening truth about the government's secret plans to survive a catastrophic attack on US soil--even if the rest of us die--a roadmap that spans from the dawn of the nuclear age to today"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Raven rock

Shall we wake the president?

two centuries of disaster management from the Oval Office

The fourth revolution

the global race to reinvent the state
" ... [argues] that [the] current crisis in government is nothing less than the fourth radical transition in the history of the nation-state ... The West has led these revolutions, but [is] now ... in the midst of a fourth revolution, and it is Western government that is in danger of being left behind ... Drives home a powerful argument: that countries' success depends overwhelmingly on their ability to reinvent the state. And that much of the West--and particularly the United States--is failing badly in its task. China is making rapid progress with government reform at the same time as America is falling badly behind ... "--Publisher.

Tom Clancy's Op-center

The Op-Center, still reeling from budget cuts and a devastating electromagnetic pulse explosion, sustains a third hit when Commander Paul Hood is removed from his post as director of the defense, intelligence, and crisis management organization, leaving the team unprepared when a series of attacks, beginning with the explosion of a Chinese freighter, rock the world.

Tom Clancy's Op-Center

Op-Center operatives, asked by the Vatican to investigate the kidnapping of a Catholic priest, uncover a plot to destabilize the government of Botswana and seize the nation's diamond mines.

Tom Clancy's Op-center

state of siege
A group of United Nations peacekeeping soldiers steal arms and ammunition and hold the United Nations for ransom.

Tom Clancy's op-center

divide and conquer
Two power-hungry state department agents conspire to start a war between Iran and the former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan and convince the president that he is mentally unstable.


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