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El rato?n de biblioteca

"Myne has achieved his first goal: to become an apprentice merchant. With the help and financing of Benno, a young merchant, you will be able to buy the necessary materials to make paper and you will be one step closer to making your dream of living surrounded by books a reality. But her knowledge of the business world and her ability to talk to adults soon gives her away, and Lutz begins to wonder who Myne really is. Will this bookworm keep his big secret hidden?"--Amazon.

El rato?n de biblioteca

"Myne finally begins to adjust to his new life, but is unable to forget his love of reading. With the arrival of winter, he proposes to experiment with different techniques: papyrus, clay tablets ..., anything with which he can make his beloved books. However, before getting down to business, she must take care of the housework and learn to cook magical fruits? Luckily, Myne has the help of Otto, a young soldier who works for his father. Can Otto teach him to read and write the language of this strange world and help him achieve his goals?"--Amazon.

El rato?n de biblioteca

"Myne continues his bookish adventure and tries everything to craft paper as he helps Otto at the city gate and prepares for the baptism of his sister, Tuuli. He tries to make fake papyrus out of vegetable fibers during the winter and bake clay tablets during the spring, but fails miserably. However, his love of books is not so weak that he is so easily defeated. It's time to come up with a plan C and make your dream of living surrounded by books a reality!"--OCLC.

Destr?za me

Ostracized or incarcerated her whole life, seventeen-year-old Juliette is freed on the condition that she use her horrific abilities in support of The Reestablishment, a post-apocalyptic dictatorship, but Adam, the only person ever to show her affection, offers hope of a better future.

The unforgiving minute

a soldier's education
A West Point graduate, Rhodes scholar, and Army Ranger describes his extensive military education, the ways in which his service in Afghanistan shaped his views, and his work as a Naval Academy instructor.


"Seri, Borderland teen and new assistant to Eshai Unbroken, local commander of the Valiants, may be the only person who can bridge the divide between the People who build their dwellings in the spreading trees and the 'beasts' who roam the forest floors"--OCLC.

Hidden soldiers & spies

"Every war requires more than just the efforts of traditional soldiers. Some heroes' stories are not appreciated during their time. In Hidden Soldiers and Spies, you'll go Beyond the Battlefield to uncover some little-known tales of some courageous soldiers and secret spies"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Hidden soldiers & spies

The Winter Soldier: cold front

When their missions intersect across time as they struggle to solve the same mystery decades apart, the Winter Soldier and sixteen-year-old Bucky Barnes find their lives colliding in a way that neither of them would have expected, changing the course of their respective wars.

Jobs in the U.S. Navy

There are dozens of notable figures who started their careers with the U.S. Navy, including Presidents George H.W. Bush and John F. Kennedy. Many young people who spend time on the water also feel the pull toward service in the Navy. This title offers a unique perspective on military service, giving readers a look at both the rich history of the Navy and the bright future of the branch. Aspiring sailors will be excited by full-color images and sidebars on important figures and potential career paths.

Jobs in the U.S. Marine Corps

The U.S. Marine Corps has long been home to some of the world's most elite soldiers. Many young adults are drawn to the Marines because of the prestige and honor associated with this armed service branch. This title puts the Marine Corps in historical context, discussing important past engagements and future plans, and provides a pathway for students who may be interested in serving. In-text sidebars feature information on famous Marines, career expectations for new recruits, and more.


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