new business enterprises

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new business enterprises

The young entrepreneur's guide to starting and running a business

Nuts-and-bolts guide to everything you need to know to start your own small business. Includes the stories of many young entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Berry Gordy.

My start-up life

what a (very) young CEO learned on his journey through Silicon Valley
Ben Casnocha discovered he was entrepreneur at age 12 and hasn't slowed down since. In this remarkably instructive book, Ben dissects the entrepreneurship "gene," explaining that everyone has inherited it if they have an idea to make the world a better place. In Casnocha's case, he found a better way for city governments to communicate with constituents on the Web. Six years later, Comcate has dozens of municipal clients, a growing staff, and a record of excellence. This book is the story of his start-up, but also a conversation with his mentors, clients and fellow entrepreneurs about how to make a business idea workand how to have the time of your life trying. From Pat Lencioni to Marc Benioff of, Ben has won over the best and brightest of the business worldnow it's your turn!.

Campus CEO

the student entrepreneur's guide to launching a multimillion-dollar business
Randal Pinkett, winner of season four of "The Apprentice," offers advice to students on how to start and run a profitable campus-based business, explaining how to determine what type of business to start, create a business plan, secure funding, form a winning team, balance work and school, and take advantage of local resources.

Start your own business

[the only start-up book you'll ever need]

Start your own pet-sitting business and more

doggie day care, grooming, walking
Presents a guide to setting up and operating a pet-sitting business, focusing on cats and dogs and discussing the basics of animal care, such as feeding, grooming, exercise, medical care, and liability issues, and includes sample forms, worksheets, and a glossary.

Kid cash

creative money-making ideas
At least forty concrete, creative suggestions for ways to make money, with sample flyers for advertising oneself and information on setting fees, keeping records, and handling profits.

The Social code

Eighteen-year-old twins Adam and Amelia Dory grew up in foster care relying on each other, but as scholarship students at Stanford University, shy Amelia's ingenious computer "app" and gregarious Adam's yearning for a life of privilege lead them to start a new company--and into a world of conflict.

Start your own business

the only startup book you'll ever need
A comprehensive guide to starting a business that discusses defining the market, offering credit, getting insurance, hiring employees, setting policies, purchasing business equipment, technology security, building a website, advertising, selling techniques, bookkeeping, managing finances, and other related topics.


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