Green, Joey

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Joey Green's rainy day magic

443 fun, simple projects to do with kids using brand-name products you've already got around the house
A collection of over 440 simple projects for kids to do using regular products found around the house.

Weird & wonderful Christmas

curious and crazy customs and coincidences from around the world
A collection of curious Christmas customs and facts.

The mad scientist handbook

how to make your own rock candy, anti-gravity machine, edible glass, rubber eggs, fake blood, green slime, and much, much more
Provides easy-to-follow instructions for a variety of experiments that children can do using everyday items.

Joey Green's fix-it magic

more than 1,971 quick-and-easy home solutions using brand-name products
Provides more than 1,900 suggestions for using brand-name products for making home repairs, covering books, clothing, painting, toilets, appliances, and other household items and areas.

Contrary to popular belief

more than 250 false facts revealed
Presents the nitpicky facts behind over 250 commonly accepted beliefs about historical figures, quotations, animal behaviors, science, art, and other people and topics.
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