Paley, Vivian Gussin

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Starting Small

Teachers of young children who speak to us so earnestly in the following stories work in different communities but share a common vision: that children can learn to care about every other person's feelings beliefs and welfare.

A child's work

the importance of fantasy play
Explores the question of why play is called the work of children, and considers the role of fantasy play in the psychological, intellectual, and social development of youngsters, discussing their language, lore, and literary efforts.

White teacher


The kindness of children

Vivian Paley recounts the lessons she has learned by observing the way children treat each other.

Mollie is three

growing up in school

The boy who would be a helicopter

Documents a child's journey from isolation to connection and safety in a preschool classroom.

You can't say you can't play

Discusses a unique strategy to probe the moral dimensions of the classroom.

Kwanzaa and me

a teacher's story
Investigates the truth about the multicultural classroom from the perspective of those who participate in it, addresses the frustration with racism, and analyzes the successes and failures of the integrated classroom.

The girl with the brown crayon

A memoir of the author's last year as a kindergarten teacher during which she, and a little girl named Reeny, became immersed in the words and pictures of author Leo Lionni.
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