
Topical Term

I remember nothing more

the Warsaw Children's Hospital and the Jewish resistance
Cover image of I remember nothing more

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

striking a blow against the Nazis
"Examines the Warsaw ghetto uprising, including the roots of the resistance in the Warsaw ghetto, stories from the participants in the uprising, how the battle ended, and how the small group of fighters became heroes during the Holocaust"--Provided by publisher.

Irena's children

a true story of courage by Tilar J. Mazzeo
Tells the story of Irena Sendler, a courageous Polish woman who saved 2,500 Jewish children in Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II.

A day of pleasure

stories of a boy growing up in Warsaw
Nineteen autobiographical stories about the author's childhood in Poland from 1908 to 1918.

Country of ash

a Jewish doctor in Poland, 1939-1945

Mister doctor

Janusz Korczak & the orphans of the Warsaw Ghetto
A story about Doctor Janusz Korczak who showed respect and kindness to Jewish children who were orphans and forced to live in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Life in a jar

the Irena Sendler Project
Tells story of Irena Sendler who organized the rescue of 2,500 Jewish children during World War II, and the teenagers who started the investigation into Irena's heroism.

The diary of Mary Berg

growing up in the Warsaw ghetto
Presents diary entries from Mary Berg, which she began at the age of fifteen, and details her first-hand account of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and other horrors brought on by the Nazis during World War II, and describes how she was smuggled out of Warsaw along with her family.

The Warsaw Ghetto and uprising

The German invasion of Poland in 1939 gave the Nazis the opportunity to implement their master plan to eliminate Europe's Jews. Part of the plan encompassed confining the Jews in a restricted area of Warsaw to make their survival difficult, followed by mass transportation of survivors to concentration camps, where they were killed.

The pianist

the extraordinary true story of one man's survival in Warsaw, 1939-1945
Pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman provides an account of his experiences trying to survive in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II, and shares excerpts from the diary of a German officer who saved his life.


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