
Topical Term

Malke's secret recipe

a Chanukah story
In the foolish town of Chelm, Berel the shoemaker attempts to duplicate the secret recipe of Malke's potato pancakes, but his wife's interference makes his plan go awry.

The stone lamp

eight stories of Hanukkah through history
Relates eight incidents from throughout the history of Judaism, each followed by a free-verse poem, told in the voice of a child from that time, who is celebrating one night of Hanukkah and the resilience of the Jewish people.

Hannah's journal

the story of an immigrant girl
In the Russian shtetl where she and her family live, Hannah is given a diary for her tenth birthday, and in it she records the dramatic story of her journey to America.

Hanukah money

Two young brothers wonder how much money they will receive from their relatives for Hanukkah.

The upstairs room

A Dutch Jewish girl describes the two-and-one-half years she spent in hiding in the upstairs bedroom of a farmer's house during World War II.

Say it with music

a story about Irving Berlin
Describes the life of the famous composer of popular musicals and songs, including "God Bless America.".

Child of the Warsaw ghetto

The story of the Warsaw Ghetto told through the eyes of Froim Baum, who was born in Warsaw on April 15, 1936. He was sent from one death camp to another before finally being liberated at Dachau by American soldiers.

The Christmas menorahs

how a town fought hate
Describes how people in Billings, Montana, joined together to fight a series of hate crimes against a Jewish family.
Cover image of The Christmas menorahs

Mrs. Greenberg's messy Hanukkah

When Rachel makes latkes with her friend Mrs. Greenberg, the project turns out to be a very messy one.
Cover image of Mrs. Greenberg's messy Hanukkah

There's no such thing as a Chanukah bush, Sandy Goldstein

A wise, understanding grandfather helps Robin, a Jewish child, cope with Christmas; not an easy task when even Sandy, who is also Jewish, is allowed to have a Christmas tree and Robin can't have one.
Cover image of There's no such thing as a Chanukah bush, Sandy Goldstein


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