
Geographic Name

They went left

Eighteen-year-old Zofia Lederman, a Holocaust survivor, travels across post-war Europe as she searches for her younger brother, Abek, and seeks to rebuild her shattered life.

The light in hidden places

a novel based on the true story of Stefania Podg?rska
Sixteen-year-old Catholic Stefania Podg?rska has worked in the Diamant family's grocery store for four years, even falling in love with one of their sons, Izio; but when the Nazis came to Przemysl, Poland, the Jewish Diamants are forced into the ghetto but Izio's brother Max manages to escape, and Stefania embarks on a dangerous course--protecting thirteen Jews in her attic, caring for her younger sister, Helena, and keeping everything secret from the two Nazi officers who are living in her house.

The safest lie

A nine-year-old Jewish girl, helped by Irena Sendler and the Zegota organization, is smuggled out of the Warsaw ghetto, given a new identity, and sent to live in the countryside for the duration of the World War II.

Cultural traditions in Poland

Describes the holidays and festivals celebrated throughout the year in Poland.


In 1942 sixteen-year-old Chaya Lindner is a Jewish girl living in Nazi-occupied Poland, a courier who smuggles food and documents to the isolated Jewish ghettos in southern Poland, depending on her forged papers and "Aryan" features--but when a mission goes wrong and many of her colleagues are arrested she finds herself on a journey to Warsaw, where an uprising is in the works.

Drive your plow over the bones of the dead

Janina has a reputation for being a crank and a recluse who has a preference for the company of animals over humans. When people start turning up dead in the remote Polish villiage, Janina believes she knows who did it, if only people would listen to her.

La vida es sue?o

A king becomes suspicious of his son on the eve of revolution, and sets out to uncover the truth about the prince's role in the upcoming war. Presented in Spanish.

Journey of conscience

young people respond to the Holocaust

Cartas de Cuba

"La inspiradora historia de una joven jud??a que escapa de Polonia para rehacer su vida en Cuba, mientras trabaja para rescatar al resto de su familia. La situaci??n se est?? poniendo terrible para los jud??os en Polonia en v??speras de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El padre de Esther ha huido a Cuba y ella es la primera en seguir sus pasos y reencontrarse con ??l en la isla. Vivir separada de su querida hermana es desgarrador, por lo que Esther promete escribirle cartas cont??ndole todo lo que le suceda hasta el d??a en que se vuelvan a reunir. Y lo hace, manteniendo un registro tanto de lo bueno - la bondad del pueblo cubano y su descubrimiento de un valioso talento oculto - como de lo malo: el hecho de que las garras del nazismo se han arraigado incluso en Cuba. Las evocadoras cartas de Esther est??n llenas de su aprecio por la vida y revelan a una ni??a ingeniosa y decidida, con una habilidad ??nica para unir a las personas, mientras se esfuerza por sacar al resto de su familia de Polonia antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Basada en la historia familiar de Ruth Behar, esta impresionante historia celebra la resiliencia del esp??ritu humano en los tiempos m??s desafiantes"--Amazon.com.

La aritm?tica del diablo

Hannah resents stories of her Jewish heritage and of the past until, when opening the door during a Passover Seder, she finds herself in Poland during World War II where she experiences the horrors of a concentration camp, and learns why she--and we--need to remember the past.


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