Dino detectives

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The surprise prize

Sara the Tryceratops has been eating Dino Delights cereal for three months and collecting the box tops--and now she and her friends are eagerly awaiting her prize.

The slime attack

Ty the Tyrannosaurus Rex loves to experiment, but when his friends arrive there is slime everywhere and Ty has disappeared--so the Dino Detectives swing into action.

The missing trumpet

Cory the Corythosaurus is excited about playing in the school concert, but when the morning arrives his trumpet is missing--and it is up to the Dino Detectives to solve the mystery of who took it.

Ghost sounds

When Dot the Diplodocus hears noises at night she thinks there is a ghost in the house--and when her brother dismisses her fears the other Dino Detectives decide to investigate.
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