The escapades of a nine-year-old Swedish girl and her younger sister, as they picnic on the woodshed roof, play Moses in the bullrushes, go for a walk on the frozen river, and celebrate Christmas.
Sixteen-year-old Linnea examines the year following the death of her best friend, Pia, as she struggles to understand why and how it happened and deal with the pain and confusion in her life.
Follows a day in the lives of two children and their families in Sweden, providing insights into the lifestyles, family interactions, foods, celebrations, schools, and other aspects of Swedish culture.
Having left Nazi-occupied Vienna a year ago, thirteen-year-old Jewish refugee Stephie Steiner adapts to life in the cultured Swedish city of Gothenburg, where she attends school, falls in love, and worries about her parents who were not allowed to emigrate.